Legal Responsibility: Binary Soul S.L
Tax ID Number NIF: B95756813
Address: Ctra/ Bilbao-Galdakao, 10, Módulo 11, 48004 Bilbao (Bizkai) (Spain)
Contact Email:
Tel: 946 123 968
Registry information:
Terms of use
Through the website, BINARY SOUL S.L. herein after BINARYSOUL, provides access to its own web portal, to offer to Users general access to the information, products and services that the mentioned entity provides. Logging into this website applies to the user the condition of User of the Site, implying his acceptance of the current Legal Disclaimer.
The User agrees to not use any of the contents that BINARYSOUL puts at his disposal to develop any activity that is against the law, against morality or public order and, in general, to use them in conformity with this conditions; and will answer, to BINARYSOUL and / or third parties, for any harm or damage that he might cause as a result of ignoring this obligations. Whoever makes use of this website, does so under their own responsibility.
BINARYSOUL reserves the right to interrupt the access to the web site, services and contents of the web portal, temporally or indefinitely, when considered convenient and without prior notice, due to technical issues, security, control, maintenance, failures in the electricity supply or for any other reason. BINARYSOUL reserves the right to modify, any time and without prior notice, the configuration, presentation or design of its website, as well as some or all of its contents, and to modify the conditions exposed in this Legal Disclaimer.
Intelectual and industrial property
The rights on the intellectual property of all the contents and the graphic design of this website belong to BINARYSOUL. The reproduction, copy, use, distribution, commercialization, public communication, except for personal and private use, with no autorization, is an infringement of the intellectual property rights of BINARYSOUL, punishable by the current law.
In the same way, every commercial name, brand or distinctive sign of any type in the website are protected by law. or any controversy caused by this legal disclaimer, both parts accept to subject themselves to the court of Bilbao and the corresponding state and autonomous legislation.
The date of this Legal Discalmer is June 20, 2019 and any modification of its terms will be published in the website.